Monthly Meeting November 2017

Monthly Meeting November 2017

Held the meeting on last Sunday (12th Nov) at FSMK office, highlights of the meeting.

Upcoming Activities

Winter Camp 2018

We have initiated the discussion to conduct winter camp in the month of January 2018. The proposal was to host the camp in Hassan (either RIT or GEC). Darshan and Ram will discuss this plan with students in Hassan soon. In parallel, we would be looking for other venues.

  • To be held tentatively end of Jan 2018 ( hope VTU will complete the

exams by Jan mid )

  • Targetting 100 participants including volunteers for 7 days.
  • This time participation will be restricted to active GLUGs and no online/public registration. Registration will be offline, through the GLUGs. We are yet to identify the list of GLUGs.
  • Detailed discussion on the camp content will be held as and when things are getting finalized

Community center camp 2018

We plan to host camp ourselves targeting mainly community center students and emphasizing topics that FSMK deals with. A proposal was put forward to host a mini-camp ( for two days) in the month of January and plan for a major camp in April/May. More updates are awaited from members on this.

Maker Faire

Shashank will be representing FSMK at Maker Faire this month in Palace grounds on 18th to give a 15-20 min on “Role of FOSS and Open Hardware in the Maker’s world”. -

Last month activities

Sunday school: Talk on Blockchain -Sunday school: Talk on Blockchain (15 Oct)

Second post-EfH meetup - Second post-EfH meetup


  • The Glug inaugural(IGNITE’17) conducted on 6th November.


  • TOGGLE website is ready
  • 7th October - Creating a Web App and linking it to a MySQL Database.
  • 10th October - Firefox quantum sprint - Firefox quantum sprint
  • 13th October - An Inter-Department Workshop on Arduino with over 120 Participants.
  • 14th October - Introduction to Localisation (How to translate a wiki Article)
  • 17th October - Detailed understanding workshop on XAMPP & working with Apache.
  • 8th November - Oxquizites, A Quiz event organized to test the technological awareness among students.
  • 8th November - AnuvaadaPremi, A localization sprint of translating words on

transifex & helping in translating FOSS apps into Kannada - Anuvaada Premi - Localization themed event by The Oxford Group of GNU/Linux Enthusiasts( TOGGLE )


Localization event at GLUG-PESCE, in association with FSMK, started in the month of October, where all the GLUG volunteers took the initiative to translate some of the articles from Wikipedia and essays from Dr.Richard M Stallman’s ‘Free Software, Free Society’. Many interesting topics are been translated, and a number of translated articles are whooping up day by day. GLUG-PESCE has decided to extend the localization activity for the month of November. ‘Zanata’ a web-based translation platform has been effectively implemented for the translation work. Wikipedia articles with unique topics like ‘Shodan’-A search engine that lets the user to find specific types of computers connected to internet using variety of filters, ‘Ubuntu’,‘Antivirus’, ‘GNU licenses’, Wikileaks and few essays from ‘Free Software, Free society’ are been translated to Kannada, Hindi and Bengali languages. A number of articles are supposed to be translated in the month of November. As the translation goes on, more and more contributors are expected to join to spread the word of Free software in the auspicious month of Kannada Rajyotsava. - Localization update by PESCE,Mandya

The team is working on to compile their work. Once done same will be published.


  • GEON has a website now -
  • Workshop on Web Designing at RIT GLUG

Dated on 6th and 7th of October 2017 at Rajeev Institute of Technology, Hassan

Workshop on Web Designing

  • Hassan Localisation spree 2017 targetting Karnataka Rajyostava

Hassan Localisation spree 2017 targetting Karnataka Rajyostava

  • Work by Hassan team has featured in the newspaper also.