Empowering Future Developers: A Recap of the Angular JS Workshop at MAGNUZ

On the vibrant afternoon of May 8th, 2024, the corridors of AMC Glug echoed with the excitement of budding developers as MAGNUZ organised a dynamic hands-on workshop on Angular JS.

Under the guidance of Prof. Sanjeevan K, the esteemed faculty coordinator of MAGNUZ, and with the gracious presence of Dr. Mareeswari V, Head of Department, the stage was set for an enlightening journey into the world of Angular JS.

Led by the proficient trio of Kavya B R, Kushal D, and K V Ramya, the workshop kicked off with an engaging introduction to Angular JS. Kavya B R captivated the audience by throwing light on the benefits of Angular JS and it’s role in crafting dynamic web-page applications. Delving deeper, Kushal D took the control, navigating the attendees through the fundamental requirements such as Angular JS directives, controllers and the art of data binding.

The interactive session included quizzes, fostering a spirit of healthy competition. K V Ramya then steered the ship towards its conclusion by presenting out the problem statement, challenging students to translate their newfound insights into tangible solutions within a week.