SVIT Glug (Orientation cum Workshop)

SVIT Glug (Orientation cum Workshop)

The SVIT PD&G(Programming and Design Group) organized a two day “Web Development” workshop along with the talk on “Panopticon - A System of Control” by voidspace on 10th and 11th of February.


We had the first session from 8:45 to 9:30 on CLI, taken by Prashant.

Then we had the talk by voidspace, where he covered the topics technology, data, privacy, aadhar, how to protect yourself, how to contribute to free software and much more. This was followed by a small discussion.

In between we had a tea break from 10:30 to 10:45, after that review for the sessions were taken.

The session winded up by 12:15. Then we had the lunch break upto 13:30.

The next session on HTML was from 13:30 to 15:30, was taken by Shashank. Then the review was taken followed by a small informal session. We winded up by 16:00.


We had the first session on “CSS” taken up by Shashank from 9:30 to 11:30.

Then after a small break we had the next session upto 13:30 on "Javascript.

Then the lunch break 14:00.

A login page was then designed by the participants as their final task.

After this review was taken and we concluded the workshop.

Thanks to voidspace for coming and giving the talk which the participants found interesting and informative. Also thanks to Dharshan(our Ruby on Rails speaker at the camp), we tried to deliver what we learnt in the camp.

Hi @ar_tz568

That’s great to hear!

It would also be great if either, you or @voidspace , of you can elaborate on “Panopticon” for those of us who don’t know the context it was explained under.

It would be great if you can share a blog/pictures of the event here!


Awesome. :clap: Keep it up.

The talk was primarily focussed on Data Violations , Privacy and Security. And Panopticon was primarily told in the view of Surveillance.