Firstly, apologies. I would have posted this directly to the Python Express website but apparently they do not take requests for workshops that are less than two weeks away. This is also a paid opportunity to do FOSS work, so I really hope someone from this forum would benefit from it.
My college, BMS Institute of Technology, requests two speakers to give a talk on a basic Introduction to Python. They plan to hold two parallel sessions in labs that can accommodate 30 students each.
The time frame for the workshop is Feb 5th to Feb 8th. Speakers can chose any number of days in this frame that they will be available.
My professors have already framed a tentative syllabus which can be accessed on a google drive here.
As this workshop will be held as a part of our local GLUG activities, I request the speakers to teach on a Linux-based platform. Any required packages, OS, etc will be set up on the systems beforehand and internet access will be provided via LAN cable to them.
The management has made it clear they will be happy to arrange for remuneration, but have not been forthcoming with a number. I will, however, try to update this with more specifics soon. Meanwhile, if you are interested and available, please start a conversation with me [3]!
I will be happy to address any concerns via email[3].
[3]: tanvibhakta at gmail dot com
It’s been a while since this has been posted, can you please update on what happened with the event and share pictures or blogs if available?