Online webathon was a 28 hours static website designing competition. The competition was completely online and was a outcome of lockdown in India and some awareness that we as a student body can bring in.

The competition started on 26th at 6:00 pm and ended on 27th at 10:00 pm so participants had 28 hour to come up with a full flesh website :slight_smile:

Since there was a lock down, we planned to conduct an virtual event. The idea behind conducting such competition was to give a real time working exposure to our participants.

The theme was chosen to be CORONA outbreak because we wanted to create awareness amongst students, as these bunch of people it’s easier to reach and from them bringing in chances so their family and surrounding is well aware of the current massive outbreak. The theme was announced just 10 minutes prior to the competition.

We framed a set of the guidelines like

-templates shouldn’t be used

-websited designed should be static

-the winning website will be hosted along with the source code will be published under GPLV3 License and redirected from official GLUG PESCE website.

The theme of the event was

“Build a static website for study on the current CORONA outbreak”

Minimum requirements:

A responsive site

Story of COVID-19


Myth busting


Safety measures

That can also contain:

Live updates or latest news

Funny memes

And more

Bonus points were given if they implemented:

Accessibility practices


Judging Criteria was :

Design Side:

UI Design

-Color schemes



-Use of relevant images

Creativity in conveying the message

Simplicity in using the website

Minimum number of pages in the website should be 3,at max 5 pages.

We got responses from participants from region of Mandya, Mangalore, Hassan, Mysore and Bangalore.

The judges for the competition was @BN_Ruchika M. Adil and Athithya.

GLUG PESCE thanks our beloved judges for giving their time to evaluate the websites.

Winners of the competition are

1st prize - Amrutha Somayaji

2nd prize - Ashish Madhukar

Consolation- Vignesh Palani

It was a very successful competition cum event and it was completely planned and implemented by 2nd year core members. And hoping to come up with many successful events. We look forward to have webathon 2.0 in future.